Cowl for an Angel

In December, an Angel arrived to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and just as quickly flew back to heaven.  Every heart in our family sank.  This happened on a day that also happened to have the first snow fall of the year.  Beautiful, unique snowflakes fell and covered the area with sparkles.  There are so many words that you want to say to someone going through this horrible time and you know you really can’t help at all.

So you knit, because that is where you can control things…most of the time anyway.  I was shopping at a Michael’s because who doesn’t like to roam craft stores in December?  My eyes immediately fell in love with a gray/mint Scarfie Lion Brand Yarn and a Sparkle Scarf yarn that was close by.  I knew I had to make something for this family.  It wouldn’t help them really but it would let me put my thoughts of prayer for them into a tangible thing.  I looked for a snowflake pattern because of course there had to be snowflakes…and sparkles. And pink hearts…to wear by another heart.

Here is the pattern I came up with named after the Angel.  It’s more of a story piece than a Cowl really.  I like to read the story.

Noella Ann Cowl


Needle:  Size U.S. 10.5 24-inch circular needle

Yarn:   1 skein Lion Brand Scarfie yarn, 1 skein Lion Brand Sparkle Shawl in a ball, and 25 yards (ish) bulky yarn (color c) for hearts in desired color (I used Pink!)

Gauge approximately 4 stitches to the inch

Cast on 132 stitches (divisible by 4 and 6) with Scarfie yarn, join in the round being careful not to twist your stitches and work 5 rounds in K1P1 ribbing.

Next Round:  (K3 of Scarfie Yarn, k1 of color c) around.

K1 round with just Scarfie Yarn.

K1 of Scarfie, k1 of c then k2 of Scarfie around.

Knit 3 rounds of just Scarfie.

Join Sparkle w Scarfie and start the 4-round daisy pattern:

Rounds 1 & 3:   knit all stitches

Round 2:   knit 1, *p3tog leaving stitches on needle, yo, Purl the same 3 sts tog again and slip them off the needle.  K1; repeat from * to end (at end of round eliminate the final k1).

Round 4:  k1, p1, k1, *p3tog leaving sts on needle, yo, p the same 3 sts tog again and slip off needle, k1; rep from * to end -end with p1.

Repeat rounds 1-4 until piece measures 8 inches or desired length.

Drop Sparkle yarn and Knit 6 rounds.

Knit 5 rounds in k1,p1 rib.

Bind off in pattern.



K:  Knit

P:  Purl

P3tog:  Purl 3 together

Yo:  Yarn Over

Tog:  together

Sts:  stitches

Inspiration for this cowl happened when a sweet little angel went to heaven on a day that happened to have the first snowfall of the year…thank you Daisy Stitch for helping with “snowflakes”.  She is present in the pink “hearts” always.


What stories have you knit?

Here’s my Pot O’Gold…this moment…

Pink Sparkly yours…
